


Business Appraisals

Uses for 3rd party valuation:

Gift and Inheritance Taxes    Estate Planning

Divorce     Reorganization under Bankruptcy 

Mergers and Acquisitions   Obtaining Financing  

Family Limited Partnership Interests  Buy-Sell Agreements  

Corporate Partnership Dissolution  Determining Adequacy of Life Insurance

The Trimeath Group LLC. is affiliated with the oldest and largest business appraisal firm in the nation, a firm that completes more than 700 valuations a year. 

As the upstate New York representative of the appraisal firm, The Trimeath Group LLC collects the required data in a way that provides an appraisal that is cost effective.  Within three weeks from the time the necessary data is submitted you receive a 100 page report covering all the valuation methods used as well as a suggested range and a suggested price.

A recent survey of business owners revealed one of their greatest concerns to be the true value of their greatest single asset, their business.  In fact, many that had made an effort to determine what their business was worth had undervalued or overvalued it by 50%.  For example, an owner thinking his business was worth $2 million might be just as likely have a business worth $1 million or $4 million.

Those considering the sale or purchase of a business normally consider this to be the first step before entering into any marketing or negotiating activities.  Common sense dictates a 3rd party valuation by someone with specific training and experience in business valuations.  This makes the results more acceptable to all parties involved.

The appraisal report provides:

 ·  Eleven different methods of valuation

 ·  A fully Certified Appraisal

    • ·  Company strengths and weaknesses based on an “Interview Questionnaire” and “Risk Analysis Method” ·  Comparable Sales Analysis

 ·  An exclusive Required Rates of Return Analysis

 ·  Discretionary Net Profit Analysis to show the true earnings of the company

 ·  Historical and Future Projected Performance of the company

 ·  Income Normalizing

 ·  Justification for Purchase Analysis

The appraisals are very thorough and provide more of a “Real World” value than most other companies.  The reason for this is that since 1983 they have maintained a data base from individuals that are full time in the process of selling businesses. They call this exclusive database “The Business Evaluation Systems Required Rates of Return”.  These are very significant to the appraisal of a business in that, unlike comparable sales, these are always current and are real world.